July 09, 2011

What's Your Destiny?

What's Your Destiny?

Destiny: predetermined order (or succession) of events that is considered inevitable or unchangeable.

Take a moment and think about where you are in your life right now.

Then consider this. Where you are in your life right now is where you are supposed to be.

For some of you that may be a hard pill to swallow. Some of you may not be where you want to be. But that’s okay. Because your life is predestined, you are where you are supposed to be at this appointed time in your life.

Picture yourself on a track getting ready to do a run. You are strategically placed in your lane.

The whistle blows and you take off. You hear someone screaming your name and you glance quickly towards the crowd to get a glimpse of the fans. But that quick glance slowed you down and now you realize you are out of your lane. What do you do?

This scenario may be similar to your life. You may be thinking about times when you felt like you veered off track and it slowed you down. But guess what? You still have a chance to redeem yourself. The things that have happened in your life are all inclusive of your destiny. The things that have happened in your life were supposed to happen. Whether good or bad, your response can set you up for fate or to continue on your journey to your destiny. The key is the lessons learned and wisdom gained along the way.  Sometimes it can be hard to stay in your lane. The important fact is when you stay the course you finish the race. And though you may not win the race in the eyes of the fans, imbed in your heart that finishing always equals winning!

So what’s your destiny? I encourage you to reclaim your purpose and passion so that you can finish the race. Don’t fret over the what nots and have nots. Your blessing is on the way!

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