July 19, 2013

You Have Purpose, Even When You Don't Know It

What is your purpose while here on earth? If you don't know the answer, you are not alone. I have conversations such as this with someone just about daily. It's because at one time I did not know what my purpose was and I was destructive, not only to myself, but, both directly and indirectly, to others. When we aren't living on purpose and living our purpose, we fall prey to the schemes of the enemy because we can then be used for his glory rather than for the glory of our Creator.

I have mentioned many times before that God created us in His image, so I believe everything He is, we are. God is a spirit, we are spirits. God is great, we are great! God is good, we are inherently good. You get the idea.

When I think about being created in God's image, I believe He has given us every tool we need to make it in this world. When we continually read the word of God, we gain not only knowledge, but wisdom and understanding about what He's speaking to us. Therefore, the answers already lie within us through the word. We don't have to look outside of ourselves, in things and other people, for what is already within us.

So, how does that help you in discovering your purpose?

Dr. Myles Munroe defines purpose as the "original intent for which a thing is created". When you think about your purpose, have you ever thought that answer already lies within you? I'll give you a hint: The bible has already revealed our purpose. It tells us we are the salt and light of the earth. Whatever we are doing, it is to be done within the capacity of being salt and light, glorifying God. Everyone is not meant to be grand, a celebrity, popular, or whatever. But we are all here to make an impact (give light to everyone in the house so others can see and glorify God, Matt 5:15-16).

To take it a step further, I believe discovering your purpose can begin with your passion. God has given to each person gifts. You know what they are. You know what you like, what you like to do, and in which things you excel. Once you discover these things, it's up to you to develop your gifts. I believe as you do that, you will begin to walk in your purpose.

So stop wasting time. God is not some big man in the sky waiting to wave a magic wand over you at every request. He has already given you everything you need to evolve in this life. And He wants to see you come full circle. Read the word, learn who you are, and discover your purpose!

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