August 30, 2011

God is Faithful

My daughter and I recently visited the Billy Graham library. I was so amazed and inspired by his tenacity. I was especially moved with a greater appreciation for the man who is responsible, in part, for my salvation. It was through a Billy Graham crusade that I called in to receive prayer and gave my life to Christ.

One of the many things that amazed me is that right before a crusade in Los Angeles, California, Billy Graham was dared by another pastor to question the authority of the bible. So many times in our walk with God we want to question the authority of the bible. When we’re in a battle it’s easy to question whether God is real or whether He hears our cries. Life isn’t easy. So why do we expect our walk with God to be easy? It’s in moments like that when we have to stand strong like Billy Graham and say we believe everything God’s word says and we are going to believe it with all of our hearts.

God IS real and He hears our cries.  His word says that what we ask for and believe we shall receive. A thousand years is but a day in the eyes of God. When we pray, God answers the prayer right at that moment. It is at that moment that we need to turn our tears into praise and thank God for doing just what He said He would do. We must pray and leave it at the altar. God is faithful to His word.

Believe it and be encouraged!

August 18, 2011

Change Our Language, Change Our Lives

I’ve been listening to “YRM,” the new Donald Lawrence cd. Donald Lawrence has done it again! He has taken my level of thinking to a higher degree. So I thought I’d offer a word of encouragement.

Whenever we are going through a storm it’s hard to see a way out. But God is faithful to His word. We need to be faithful to God and trust that He will see us through. We must stop telling ourselves it is so hard. It’s only hard because we are constantly reminding ourselves it is hard. If we could change our language, we could change our lives. God says if we have the faith of a mustard seed…

Also, we must stop telling ourselves that we are waiting to hear a word from God. Don’t misconstrue what I’m saying. I’m not saying God won’t speak directly to us regarding our situation. He can and He will. But in the meantime and between our prayers, listen to what God has already spoken to us through His word. John 14:13 says that anything we ask in His name, He will do. But it’s up to us to activate our faith, believe, and then align ourselves with His word. Faith without works is dead (James 2:17). We must continually say what God says…we are fearfully and wonderfully made, we are more that conquerors, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, etc.

Hallelujah is the highest praise we can give God because it simply means to praise God. So let us offer up our highest praise and thank Him in advance. God will do just what He said He will do. Now get your praise on!